Reporting Options
The University encourages all individuals to report Prohibited Conduct or a potential violation of Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Policy to the Associate Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator, the Office of Public Safety, and/or to local law enforcement. A Complainant has the right to report, or decline to report, potential criminal conduct to law enforcement. Upon request, the University will assist a complainant in contacting law enforcement at any time. Under limited circumstances (posing a threat to health or safety of any individual or to comply with applicable law), the University may independently notify law enforcement.
An individual may make a report to the University, to law enforcement, to neither, or to both. Campus Title IX processes and law enforcement investigations operate independently of one another, although the Associate Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator may coordinate information with the Evansville Police Department as part of the Initial Assessment. Anyone can make a report as follows:
Make a report to the Associate Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator in person, by telephone, by email, or online at:
Keith Gehlhausen
Executive Director of Human Resources and Institutional Equity
Olmsted Administration Hall, Room 118
(812) 488-2943
Annie Sills
Associate Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator
Center for Inclusive Excellence, Olmsted Administration Hall, Room 118
Make a report to local Law Enforcement
A Complainant has the right to report, or decline to report, to law enforcement at any time. The University’s investigation and adjudication processes are distinct from the criminal justice/law enforcement process. The University will assist a Complainant in contacting law enforcement or the Complainant may contact law enforcement directly.
Evansville Police Department, 812-436-7896 or 911
Make an anonymous report
A Complainant is not required to reveal their identity in order to report an incident; however, an anonymous report may limit the ability to respond with an investigation or disciplinary action. An incident can be anonymously reported to University administration at:
Center for Inclusive Excellence Bias Incident Report Form
Office of Public Safety Report A Concern Form
Although providing anonymous information may limit the ability of the University to investigate or impose discipline, it can help the University maintain accurate records regarding the number of incidents involving students, employees, and third parties; determine if there is a pattern of conduct with regard to a particular location, group or Respondent; and alert the campus community to potential dangers when appropriate.
A Complainant or witness also has the ability to make an anonymous report to local law enforcement by contacting:
WE TIP Crime Hotline
The University will assist a Complainant in contacting WE TIP or the Complainant may contact WE TIP directly.
An individual may pursue some or all of these steps at the same time (e.g., one may simultaneously pursue a Title IX report and a criminal complaint). When initiating any of the above options, an individual does not need to know whether they wish to request any particular course of action nor how to label what happened. As part of a report to the Associate Director of Institutional Equity and Title IX Coordinator, an individual can also request Interim Measures and support.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Room 118, Olmsted Administration Hall